Fasilitas dan ketentuan umum
Activity The elderly occupants Nursing Home Canopy Insan Sejahtera not just get a mentoring service by trained care giver and nurses, but also every day will be held positive activities for spiritual fulfillment through the day so that they can be in a situation that menyenanhkan senjanya and happy. Adapaun activities will be conducted in Nurcing Home is: Care and meet the needs of everyday life Daily Care Fulfillment Nutrition (eating and drinking) Regular agenda Prayer: Pastor, pastor, ostat, etc. Lightweight Gymnastics: Gymnastics in the room with equipment Entertainment outdoors: parks, seating etc. Facilities to be provided to the residents in the form of: Air-conditioned bedroom with bathroom inside. Sleep accompanied by a care giver The dining room nd drink Recreation room in Wash and scrub the clothes. Nursing services.…