Kanopi Cheerful DayCare

Creating a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones​

At Kanopi Cheerful Daycare we understand the importance of providing a safe and nurturing environment for your little one. Our childcare service offers comprehensive care and support for children at their golden age of learning. Our experienced and passionate team of Nannies are committed to creating a safe and loving atmosphere where your child feels valued and respected.

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Qualified Staff

Our caregivers are highly trained, certified, and dedicated professionals who are passionate about early childhood education and development.

Enriching Activities

Our daycare center is dedicated to fostering your child’s development through a variety of enriching activities. We have various activities that include arts and crafts, storytelling, music, and physical play to stimulate creativity and growth. Our experienced staff ensures that each activity is both fun and educational, helping your child to explore new interests and develop essential skills.


Enriching Activities

Our daycare center is dedicated to fostering your child’s development through a variety of enriching activities. We have various activities that include arts and crafts, storytelling, music, and physical play to stimulate creativity and growth. Our experienced staff ensures that each activity is both fun and educational, helping your child to explore new interests and develop essential skills.

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Safe & Secure Environment

Your child’s safety is our top priority. Our facility is designed to create a secure and nurturing space where children can thrive. We maintain strict protocols and regular safety drills to ensure a safe environment. Our staff is trained to provide constant supervision and quick response to any potential issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Daycare service?

According to the childcare guidelines in Indonesia, a daycare is a nonformal institution for early childhood development center for children during daytime hours when their parents are working. 

Daycares also provide nurture and education for children in their golden years of development (from birth up to 6 years old)

What are the services Kanopi Cheerful Daycare provides?

  • In Kanopi Cheerful Daycare we provide the following:

    • Nutritious meals 3x a day and 2 snack periods
    • Play Group/Kindergarten (Montessori style education)
    • Docter visit
    • Inhouse Therapist
    • Daycare service consultant

What are the methods and tools used by Kanopi Cheerful Daycare?

  • At Kanopi Cheerful Daycare, we offer a range of activities for our children, including:

    • Indoor and outdoor physical activity classes
    • Intellectual Exploration indoor classes
    • Singing and rhythm following activities
    • Character and spiritual building
    • Learning from play
    • Activities that promote children independence (Eating, studying, etc, )
    • Providing balanced meals and hydration
    • Recreation

What time does Kanopi Cheerful Daycare operate?

Kanopi Cheerful Daycare operates Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 17.30 (overtime may be applied under certain terms and conditions).

We hold a parent meeting once a month.

Kanopi caregiver

professional cargeiver for all your specialized needs

 At Kanopi Insan Sejahtera, we understand the importance of providing quality care for your loved ones. Our dedicated team of professional caregivers is committed to offering personalized, compassionate support in the comfort of your home. Our caring professionals are committed to delivering personalized assistance, making everyday life more comfortable and enjoyable.

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Experienced Staff

Kanopi handpicks the most noteworthy individuals with education in health or nursing to be part of our team. All our Caregivers undergo special training at our nursing home facility to understand the quality Kanopi thrives to create.

24/7 support

Our team is available around the clock, ensuring your loved ones receive the care they need, whenever they need it. Even if your current caregiver is on leave, Kanopi will provide a temporary substitute caregiver for the duration of their leave.


24/7 support

Our team is available around the clock, ensuring your loved ones receive the care they need, whenever they need it. Even if your current caregiver is on leave, Kanopi will provide a temporary substitute caregiver for the duration of their leave.

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Trustworthy and Reliable

Our caregivers are thoroughly vetted through a rigorous selection process that includes comprehensive background checks, reference verification, and in-depth interviews. Our caregivers are punctual, dependable, and committed to maintaining a stable and supportive presence in your loved one’s life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Daycare service?

According to the childcare guidelines in Indonesia, a daycare is a nonformal institution for early childhood development center for children during daytime hours when their parents are working. 

Daycares also provide nurture and education for children in their golden years of development (from birth up to 6 years old)

What are the services Kanopi Cheerful Daycare provides?

In Kanopi Cheerful Daycare we provide the following:

  • Nutritious meals 3x a day and 2 snack periods
  • Play Group/Kindergarten (Montessori style education)
  • Docter visit
  • Inhouse Therapist
  • Daycare service consultant

What are the methods and tools used by Kanopi Cheerful Daycare?

At Kanopi Cheerful Daycare, we offer a range of activities for our children, including:

  • Indoor and outdoor physical activity classes
  • Intellectual Exploration indoor classes
  • Singing and rhythm following activities
  • Character and spiritual building
  • Learning from play
  • Activities that promote children independence (Eating, studying, etc, )
  • Providing balanced meals and hydration
  • Recreation

What time does Kanopi Cheerful Daycare operate?

Kanopi Cheerful Daycare operates Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 17.30 (overtime may be applied under certain terms and conditions).

We hold a parent meeting once a month.

Kanopi Cheerful DayCare

Creating a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones​

Di Kanopi Cheerful Daycare kami memahami pentingnya menciptakan lingkungan yang aman untuk anak anda. Layanan Daycare kami menawarkan dukungan yang suportif untuk anak-anak di masa emas perkembangan anak. Tim Nannies kami yang berpengalaman berkomitmen untuk menciptakan suasana yang aman dan penuh kasih sayang di mana anak Anda merasa dihargai dan disayangi.

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Staff yang Berpengalaman

Kanopi melakukan screening yang intensif untuk memilih individu-individu berpendidikan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim Nanny Kanopi. Semua Nanny kami menjalani pelatihan khusus di training center Kanopi untuk menyesuaikan kualitas perawatan yang sesuai dengan visi misi Kanopi.

Lingkungan Aman & Nyaman

Keamanan anak Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Fasilitas kami dirancang untuk menciptakan ruang yang aman dan mengasuh di mana anak-anak dapat berkembang. Kami menjaga protokol ketat dan latihan keselamatan rutin untuk memastikan lingkungan yang kami ciptakan aman untuk anak anda. Staf kami dilatih untuk memberikan pengawasan terus-menerus dan respons cepat terhadap potensi masalah apa pun.


Lingkungan Aman dan Terlindung

Keamanan anak Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Fasilitas kami dirancang untuk menciptakan ruang yang aman dan mengasuh di mana anak-anak dapat berkembang. Kami menjaga protokol ketat dan latihan keselamatan rutin untuk memastikan lingkungan yang kami ciptakan aman untuk anak anda. Staf kami dilatih untuk memberikan pengawasan terus-menerus dan respons cepat terhadap potensi masalah apa pun.

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Aktivitas Pengayaan

Kanopi Cheerful Daycare berdedikasi untuk membina perkembangan anak Anda melalui berbagai aktivitas pengayaan. Kami memiliki berbagai kegiatan yang mencakup seni dan kerajinan, bercerita, musik, dan permainan fisik untuk merangsang kreativitas dan pertumbuhan. Staf kami yang berpengalaman memastikan bahwa setiap kegiatan menyenangkan dan mendidik, membantu anak Anda mengeksplorasi minat baru dan mengembangkan keterampilan penting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Apa yang di maksud dengan daycare?

Daycare atau sering disebut juga sebagai Tempat Penitipan Anak (TPA), sesuai yang tertulis pada Pedoman Teknik Penyelenggaraan Taman Penitipan Anak adalah salah satu bentuk PAUD pada jalur nonformal (PAUD nonformal) sebagai wahana dan sarana kesejahteraan yang berfungsi sebagai pengganti keluarga dalam jangka waktu tertentu bagi anak yang orang tuanya bekerja.

Daycare menyelenggarakan program pendidikan sekaligus pengasuhan dan kesejahteraan sosial terhadap anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun (prioritas anak usia emas 0 – 5 tahun)

Apa saja Jasa layanan Kanopi Cheerful Daycare?

  • Pemberian makan 3x dalam sehari dan snack 2x dalam sehari
  • Play Group/Kindergarten (Model Pembelajaran
  • secara Montesorri)
  • Dokter visit
  • Terapis
  • Konsultan anak saja Jasa layanan Daycare

Metode apa yang digunakan oleh Kanopi Cheerful Daycare (KCD)?

  • Program kelas bermain fisik ( out and in door class )
  • Eksplorasi intelektual ( in door class )
  • Bernyanyi dan mengikuti irama musik
  • Pembinaan karakter dan rohani anak
  • Belajar sambil bermain
  • Kemandirian anak ( makan, belajar dsb )
  • Pemberian makan dan minum yang seimbang
  • Rekreasi

Waktu layananan Kanopi Cheerful Daycare

Senin s/d Jumat (satu bulan sekali mengadakan parents meeting)

Pukul : 07.30 s/d 17.30 (diberlakukan overtime dengan syarat dan ketententuan yang berlaku)

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